2023-2024 OFFICERS
President: Mayte Meza
Vice-President: Daniella Valenzuela
Treasurer: Vaughn Brown
Secretary: Erika Brown
The Dawson Booster Club supports students with various activities and projects throughout the year. Meetings are usually the first Monday of the month, and dues are $20.00. The Booster Club has a Facebook page to keep members and community informed of upcoming events and activities, and there is also a Booster Club GroupMe text group. Come be a part of the Booster Club and help support our Dragons – contact any officer for more information!
Current Condition: scattered clouds
Temperature: 83.55ËšF
Feels Like: 80.76ËšF
Wind Speeds: 11.83mph
Weather humidity: 11%
Chance of Precipitation: %
Monday – Friday: 7:30 – 4:00